The Spirit of Pine
Three Ways To Use Pine In Spiritual and Meditation Practices
When it's time to take a deep breath and boost your determination, choose pine. Pine can carry you through your doubts and increase your will to survive. At one time, long ago, the meaning of survival referred to the will to live when existing in harsh climates where food sources fluctuated; survival now can translate to many different parts of our lives. Survival at work or even in our relationships.
This evergreen tree fills your field of energy with endurance. It speaks to the spirit that resides in every essence of your being to be inspired and stand in your own power of perseverance.
All parts of the pine tree including, needles, pine cones and branches can be used to obtain the precious oil from the tree. However, our Pine oil is distilled from the needles only and its botanical name is Pinus Sylvestris.
Our spirit works through us sending inspiration as encouragement and giving us wonderful dreams to fulfill and goals to follow. Pine is emotionally uplifting and assists with deepening our breath and uses it to strengthen our emotional connection to spirit.
It is a great oil to clear the air energetically after an argument or a bout of sadness. It also purifies the air after an illness due to its disinfectant properties. Just add to an active or passive diffuser. (See the video on diffusing)
This beautiful enduring tree is known for cleansing and clearing abilities. The essential oil is used extensively in household cleaners. You can even create your own household products with this fragrant oil that is being researched for its antibacterial properties.
Even in its natural element, you can feel the sanctifying energy transforming your space and mind to a more pristine state.
COMMON NAME.................Pine
BOTANICAL NAME.............Pinus Sylvestris
PLANT PART.......................Needle
METHOD............................ Steam Distilled
AROMA................................Balsamic, Woodsy, Coniferous, Fresh
ENERGY..............................Warm & Dry
CONTRAINIDICATIONS.... Considered Non Toxic, Non-irritant

The amount of drops you add to your diffuser is determined by the size of your room and the strength of the oil you are using. Our average size treatment room was 10 x 12 feet. Add a total of 3 - 6 drops of essential oil to your diffuser. Pine is refreshing and strengthening and blends well with many oils so have fun and choose your own companion to this woodsy oil or just use the pine lone.
This is a wonderful way to let nature minimized negative energy and raise the vibrations of your space.
I hope you love bringing wonderful properties of Pine in its many forms throughout the entire year. May it bring you strength, perseverance, clarity and lift your spirits. Thank you for reading my blog.
Take Care & Be Well,
~ Patrina ~
These products are available at my studio Twilight Therapy. Thank you for your support!
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