April 30, 2021 @ 3:00 PM

May Day Dew

Experience the Magical Morning Dew of  May Day/Beltane



May Day, also known as Beltane, is observed on the Eve of May and May 1st. It is a vibrant  time of the year to celebrate fertility and the return of the sun. There are  celebrations of fire and Merry Maypole dancing. My favorite is a Vintage Inspired Spa celebration gifted to us by the Fairy Kingdom. 


On the eve of Beltane the fairies join together and sprinkle a magical concoction over the plant kingdom. As the sun begins to rise on May 1st a glistening dew forms over all living plant matter. The dew awaits collection by those in knowledge of its mystical attributes. It is at its most powerful at the dawn of the first .........

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