January 30, 2020 @ 4:29 PM

Candlemas Traditions

Preparing for Spring

Candlemas, first called  Imbolc, is celebrated as a Fire Festival encouraging the rebirth of the sun


The darkness of winter has required us to rest, to go within in order to restore ourselves. We emerge from the dark, at nature's pace,  anxiously watching for signs of spring from the plant kingdom. Our ancestors believed as the dark days shortened the sun was being reborn. 

Imbolc , also known as Candlemas, is celebrated as a Fire Festival encouraging the rebirth of the sun. It was a time to deep clean the home of the last remnants of Yule, honoring  the Celtic Goddess of Fire, Brigid, who ruled over the hearth and the home. There was a celebration of light in anticipation of the changing of the season.

 Dedicate  February 2, 2020 to create space and time to cleaning your candle-holders, fireplaces and home in preparation of the birth of Spring. In many traditions it is a time to bless the candles that represent holy spiritual light as well as the physical light of the Sun.

The Snowflake, the symbol of this day, reminds us the transition is not complete. There may still be cold days ahead with the hope of warm bright sunny days so close in our future. Maybe the little Goundhog will help us celebrate by predicting the slow ending of winter or a quick jump to Spring.

In anticipation of the spring season of new birth we begin to prepare our gardens to plant seeds. Some seeds will bless us with  food meant to sustain us from the first Harvest through the third and all through the following winter. And some seeds will bring blossoms of beauty that will carry us through autumn.  Joyfully we admire the tiny buds on the trees and seedlings beginning to sprout using the miracle of light from the sun.

Following Candlemas traditions Visualize and expect abundance in your life. A life filled with flowing creativity and the strength to move forward with your new intentions. Follow the light of appreciation and  gratitude letting her lead you to your inspiration.


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Names of this Pre-season to Spring:

Many of the holidays we celebrate are derived from ancient ceremonies and celebrations. The names may differ but the theme of this season is Light. This physical and spiritual light that give us hope for warmth and abundant crops . It is a time of New Beginnings as bid farewell to the harsh winter.





Lady Day,

St. Brigid's (Bridget's)  Day 

( Groundhogs Day)






Your Candlemas Festival of Light Ceremony 





  • 8 Prayer Candles or Tea Lites
  •  A lighter
  • Your Gratitude Journal
  • Writing tool
  • Possibly A few lovely friends
  • Palo Santo or Smudge Bundle
  • A Labradorite stone for New Beginnings (optional)
  • Essential  Oil or annointing oil like Solara  for clear vision (optional)


Smudge your chosen space 

Apply Anointing oil to your candles


Take 3 deep cleansing breaths


Write In your journal

Light Candle 1  Write what you are grateful for about the winter you a leaving behind

Light Candle 2  Write  what your are grateful for about the place you are in now

Light Candle 3  Write what you are grateful for about the coming of Spring

Light Candle 4  Write what you are grateful for about the sunlight

Light candle  5 Write what you are grateful for about the tiny new buds on the trees

Light Candle  6 Write what you are grateful for about the spring foods you will eat

Light Candle  7 Write what you are grateful for about your spiritual self

Light Candle 8 Write what you are grateful for about  Your Higher Power, Holy Spirit, God

Sit with your tiny Festival of Lights while holding your Labradorite and sow the seeds of your desires for  2020. 

Complete your ceremony with a deep inhale and exhale. 


Have a Blessed Transition into Spring

~ Patrina ~





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