June 22, 2016 @ 6:27 PM


Used by Client Permission


Clearing The Heart In Dreams
June 20, 2016



The dreams are bringing your attention to the emotional element that requires detachment from the issue. Over-analysis of the dream itself may cloud your message unless you are directing it towards  the reason the dream events are causing your emotional response.


Recurring dreams or dreams that contain the same characters or props are pointing you to the source of the trauma or

 recurring thoughts that are maintaining their position in subconscious past  doubt and fear.


To release the  past an "ancient " trauma that is re-visiting you perform the following exercises:


  • Chi Kung Movement for improving your chi energy flow and releasing lower vibrating energy before you go to bed. Use Palmarosa  Oil to connect the heart and mind energy….Use Lavender, Roman Chamomile, or Stressless blend to center and calm.



  • Write 10 things you are grateful  for about the results of the trauma if it changed the direction in your life for a good reason ( if you lost a loved one , write 10 wonderful things you experienced and still experience because of their presence in your life) 


  • Use Carnelian or rose Quartz to improve the love you have for yourself


  • You may need Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping ) in addition if the discomfort persists.



All of these things will bring you closer to your connection with the Holy Spirit/God. Then you will be able to discern with a knowing the direction in which you are to move towards.

  • If you need assistance with interpretation please contact me for an appointment


May you be blessed with sweet dreams and a gently flowing journey. ~ Reina~