April 4, 2023 @ 2:26 PM

Full Pink Moon 2023

The Wisdom of the Full Pink Moon



The luminous full moon in April shines gently over this colorful transition into Spring. In the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate this season of renewal with the Full Pink Moon of April. There are many stunning displays of pink from our plant kingdom, however, this moon is specifically named for the abundance of tiny pink phlox covering the land.

The Pink Full Moon joins her magic with phlox flowers to say goodbye to the winter while welcoming warmer brighter days.

The beauty of the phlox flowers is their ability to unite the heart with the soul by aligning the heart and crown chakras. The heart chakra holds the color vibrations of green with sparkling flashes of pink representing love.

The emotions of this moon cycle are gentle yet require strength to give birth to vibrant plant life. The strength of feminine energy is seen in the freshly budding leaves of dormant trees and flowers.

Spring is determined to be bring us joy with a burst of stunning colors. This spectacular display inspires us to do the work to make our dreams come true. In order to move into the future with confidence, the past must be released.

Open your heart to a healthy dose of self-love.

Happy Full Pink Moon,
~ Patrina










  • Handwrite the alphabet in list format.
  • Now go back and write a complementary word for each letter of the alphabet that describes your amazing YOU!
  • What are your awesome personality traits?

I found the letter X to be a little challenging, but a lot of fun!









Hey there Spa Beauties!


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