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Spa Blog
The Magic of Blending Spirit With Style
Essential Oil Articles > Lemon Oil Part 1

4 May 2016



Lemon Oil

Botanical Name Citrus Limonum
Family Rutaceae
Countries of Origin Italy, Spain, USA
Method to Obtain Oil Expression
Plant Part Peel
Aroma Fresh, Sharp
Color Pale Yellow
Blending Note Top


General Properties the Oil of Lemon has been used for:

Antiseptic,astringent, air disinfectant ,detoxifying, diuretic, bactericide, insecticide and tonic. Recognized for its high anti-bacterial properties

Main Constituents:

Photosensitive. Dilute before use.


The lemon is thought to be native to Asia. It is cultivated in many parts of the world such as Italy, USA, Israel, Spain and Cyprus. The tree grows up to 19 feet and produces a bright cheerful yellow fruit. One tree can yield as many as 1,500 lemons in a year. One tree produces  about 200 pounds of fruit which will yield about 1 pound of essential oil.


The oil obtained by a method called expression of the peel of the fruit. Whenever you squeeze the skin of a citrus fruit you can see tiny droplets of the oil being released from their safe pockets. Of course this is not done by hand for the aromatherapy industry. Just think how much time and how labor intensive that would be and expensive. The price of lemon oil is one of the most affordable oils. 

The peel of the fruit was applied to clothing repel insects. In the late 17th century Nicholas Lemery noticed the medicinal value when used to cleanse the blood, especially to fight off scurvy.

It has been and still is used  as an additive to everyday household cleaning products. Lemon oil contains disinfecting and freshening qualities among all of its complicated chemical attributes. However, most comapies now use synthetic fragrances that imitate the powerful lemon. These synthesized versions, sadly, carry no therapeutic value.

Myth and Folklore:

Lemon was used to promote good luck either by wearing the fragrance or dropping the oil in the corners of the room where the luck was needed. It also is diffused into the air to cleanse the air of negative energy especially after an argument. It generates power by working on the 3rd Chakra known as the solar plexus.

The solar plexus carries out the intentions and energy of the first and second chakras.
Therefore it is very important to understand the messages your thoughts convey. These messages are forms of energy which must be carried out in the solar plexus. Lemon Oil is of assistance by strengthening the will power and reducing fatigue in the physical body.

Lemons were also long considered an aphrodisiac carrying out the will of the 2nd Chakra for procreation

Spa and Salon:
Lemon juice has long been used in an effort to lighten hair. Many times clients of mine would spend hours under the beautiful Gulf Coast sun baking straight lemon juice into their hair altering the color and sometimes the texture. The results being dry brittle hair which would then become my problem as I searched and concocted conditioning treatments to restore their hair to its natural beauty. Please notice I said the juice of the lemon not the essential oil. Please leave the lightening hair service to your salon professional.  

The lemon essential oil must be added to a carrier like Twilight™ Fragrance-Free Organic Shampoo and conditioner to impart a beautiful healthy shine to hair. When diluted properly the lemon is able to gently enhance natural highlights in the hair.

Lemon oil can be added to jojoba or coconut oil to be used as a nail strengthener to help with dry brittle nails and as a cuticle conditioner.

When diluted properly  lemon oil is used as a toner and astringent for the skin. Sunlight and tanning bed exposure must be avoided because of the photosensitive nature of citrus oils. Uneven burning and discoloring can occur.

Massage and body treatments using lemon oil include lymphatic drainage, cellulite body wraps and detoxifying wraps. The oil is also added to massage lotions or  oils to further improve circulation. Treatments with lemon oil have been used to relieve nausea, headaches, irritability and  it assists tone an overworked liver which aids the detoxification process of the body.




Part 2
Color  & GemstoneTherapy


Part 3
Psychological and Meditation:
Spiritual and Mystical:
Combine Vintage Therapies and Modalities:
Meditations and Affirmations:

Part 4

Part 5
Pet Care: 



Patrina Rutherford