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The Magic of Blending Spirit With Style
Essential Oil Articles > Accepting With Eucalyptus

16 Jan 2012


Accepting with Eucalyptus 



As I sit here and stare out of the window at the gorgeous snow covered trees I realize this is still surreal to me. This is not a new window or a new place. I have looked out of the window numerous times over the past 11 years never believing that someday this would be my place of residence.

It is a tiny red roofed, white cottage shaped like a barn ( kinda like the Amityville House without the scary). Its east west orientation allows me to watch the sun rise from our tiny living room window and watch the sun set from my desk in the equally tiny upstairs bedroom.

The number 11 appears in my life once again. Its repetition can be a little annoying. I take the cap off of my bottle of Eucalyptus oil and add a drop to a cotton pad and inhale deeply to clear my mind. Eleven, considered a master number. The number of intuition, patience, spirituality. It reminds me that I am a knowledge worker on a mission. A mission that is on standby due to my geographical relocation orchestrated by God.


The trees outside my window. 2/20/2012  

The snowlight blinds me into understanding that this standby allows me time to prepare myself for the next chapter. The color white of new beginnings tells me that all of the trees under the snow are not dead they are dormant and in the process of preparing for new growth.

My attraction to the protective eucalyptus oil whispers to my spirit to breathe deeply and clear away thought and goal debris. Debris that no longer serves me. My challenge is to accept the significance of where I now exist, emotionally and physically.


1. Identify something that you must come to terms with. Something you cannot change but it is time to accept. Start with something small not huge. Be gentle with yourself.
2. Plan ahead for negative thoughts. Replace a negative recurring thought with a positive recurring thought, affirmation,prayer,Bible verse or poem.
3. Inhale eucalyptus oil or add 1 drop of oil to 1 tablespoon of Fragrance-Free Lotion and apply to the throat or chest or base of skull.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference 


Copyright Notice: All articles and photographs and logos on these pages are the sole copyright of Patrina Rutherford-Vickers © 2012. No permission, either implicit or explicit is given to reproduce or use these articles or photographs or logos in any format or media. All Rights are Reserved 


Patrina Rutherford