February 4, 2018 @ 11:46 AM



I anxiously opened the new shipment  slicing through the tape ever so carefully so as not to harm the contents of the box. Once open, the aromatic molecules were released, filling the room and my heart  with only goodness. 


Inhaling the blended scents of braided sweetgrass, desert sage and baby white sage with a touch of lavender stems brought to my mind  cultural ceremonies of long ago.

The fragrant visions spoke to me of traditional rituals designed to provide peace of mind and healing when used properly. I was provided a magical moment during my day without even lighting a single bundle.


Long before the process of obtaining precious essential oils from plant matter was perfected, ancient cultures burned herbs, bark, leaves, resins and/or spices. They were burned over hot coals or the dried bundles lit from a flame and then allowed to smolder while a healer smudged the ill person and their dwelling.



The ritual of smudging was originally performed for healing purposes by priests and priestesses. There are many indigenous ceremonial variations however, the honorable intentions are the same. Healing and clearing energy.



These are the basics of a Clearing Ceremony. For a little more information be sure to sign up for my FREE COURSE complete with checklist and videos demonstrations. 


Gather Your Basic Tools

  • Sage bundle of your choice
  • Lighter or match 
  • Candle ( I use our mini meditation candle)
  • Feather Fan or a large Feather
  • Fireproof dish or abalone shell, 
  • Lavender Oil (optional)
  • A small container of sand to extinguish your sage 


Physical Clearing


This is a physical cleaning or de-cluttering of every room in your home. Pretty much like spring cleaning.

Clutter or places in need of dusting, cleaning, vacuuming or organizing, create stagnant pockets of energy that can continually diminish your physical and  emotional well being.

Clutter that requires your attention is  mentally draining resulting in chaotic thought processes, thought attacks, panic attacks and  self-deprecating statements.





Clear Yourself





Set Your Intention



Basic Clearing Ceremony




Sealing Your Space


Maintaining Your Cleared Space


See the blog post about The Power of Words or go to your February Subscriber page to download a list of positive words.