3 Top Crystals to Enhance Intuition
When searching for methods and ways to enhance your intuition and psychic abilities, bring the fabulous sparkle of specific crystals into your lifestyle. There are certain crystals renowned for their supportive energies in these areas. Here are three crystals, including our crystal of the month Peach Moonstone, that are particularly helpful for increasing intuition and connection with your inner wisdom.
Keep in mind that there are many crystals ready to be of assistance to you. Some may resonate with you and your unique energy more so than others.
1. Fluorite:
Fluorite is a highly protective stone that also enhances intuitive ......
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August 30, 2022 @ 10:09 AM

Crystals For Anxiety
Most people will experience anxiety at some level throughout their lives. Unfortunately, I have noticed it is more prevalent among my clients and friends during this current day and age than in the past. I have had a high amount of calls asking for suggestions about complementary modalities to ease stress levels.
There are many forms of anxiety disorders. It can make it difficult to concentrate or be present in the moment. Intrusive, unfavorable "thought storms" divert your attention from happiness and even awaken you at night. It can paralyze people from going out in the world and living their best life.&......
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September 2, 2021 @ 7:32 AM

I was first drawn to the carnelian while shopping for crystals to incorporate with facial treatments. The relaxing facials were enhanced when I introduced my clients to this energy boosting yummy bright orange stone. The properties of this gorgeous stone helps you to relax enough to re-direct your thoughts in a productive direction.
Just the vibrant color will make you smile. And a smile has an energy boosting effect itself. My facial mists were made in-salon and infused with the frequencies of tiny carnelians. Their simple presence in the treatment room seemed to lift everyone's spirit.
I always keep one close by to help clear my mind when faced with too many decisions..........
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September 4, 2020 @ 11:38 AM

Rhodochrosite is such a sweet stone. It reminds me of my sweet Stella rescue kitty. She is always patient. The comfort of her purring is soothing to my stressed out soul. If only we could hear the resonant sound of this precious stone it would be a purr.
Legend claims that a heart-shaped Rhodochrosite boulder deep in a cave beneath the Andes Mountains is the heart of Mother Earth. It is believed that this heart beats once every two thousand years.
An Incan ruler named Inca Ricac (also called Viracocha) was credited with the discovery of this vibrant red stone in the 13th century in Argentina. It was considered sacred to the people ............
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May 26, 2020 @ 9:45 PM

These mysterious rich black stones captured my interest the first time I encountered them. The purifying strength of Shungite pulled me in for a closer look, and touch, as I ventured through the warehouse. I eventually left without them that day but they were embedded in my memory and thoughts.
I returned much later to the warehouse and was greeted by my super friendly crystal rep. I smiled and said Shungite. He knew I was on a mission.
This magical stone, not considered a crystal, was first discovered in Shunga, Russia. In the 18th century Peter The Great established the first spa, in Russia, the Martial Waters. People bathed .........
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April 19, 2020 @ 12:20 PM

Exhausted, you lay your head on you pillow. Snuggling under your covers and closing your eyes as your body anticipates a rejuvenating sleep. Suddenly your brain awakens and wants to have a discussion.
"Just one more thought," your brain whispers to you. Oh great! The thoughts just keep coming!
During this time on planet Earth, the stress caused from uncertainty can be the culprit of restless and sleepless nights. When external events have taken us to a place where we believe we have no control we can take this opportunity to explore those things we can control. Our knowledge and use of alternative therapies can take us to a .........
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February 5, 2020 @ 1:28 AM

The Majestic Magic of The Amethyst

Infatuated with the deep purple stone, I held it close listening to its whispers. It must come home with me. I was and still am mesmerized by the beauty of the many shades and types of amethyst.
This gorgeous purple Amethyst crystal is considered a semi-precious stone which is embraced by the arts community. Creatively inspiring, its presence will help you use regular tools of your trade in new exciting ways.
The versatile Amethyst assists you in your various life transitions. It helps heal a broken heart and clears anger and frustrations from......
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September 30, 2019 @ 8:27 AM

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a multi-functional Master Healer. Its beauty reigns high on the top 10 crystals to have in your gemstone apothecary. It is the most versatile of all crystals, much like Lavender oil is to aromatherapy.
According to ancient knowledge, this beauty awaits your openness and readiness to receive. Clear quartz will align itself with your emotional requests. So take care to make sure your emotions match your intentions;the clear quartz amplifies your emotional content not just your words.
In ancient times this stone, thought to be petrified ice, was also believed that the gods and spirits lived in clear crystal palaces..........
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June 1, 2018 @ 7:35 AM

Rose Quartz In The Salon
I just adore Rose Quartz so much that I had the wand in the photo crafted so I could use it on my clients during their facials. Just imagine releasing stress as the rose quartz wand is gently guided across the tense muscles of your face. It's age-defying properties soothes your mind and body. A rose quartz enhanced facial massage sends the frequencies of self- appreciation to your heart while reducing the worries energetically stored in your facial muscles. A youthful glow illuminates your face as your circulation increases to the skin and the lymph begins to flow properly resulting in reduced puffiness.
This beautiful pink .........
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June 4, 2016 @ 7:59 AM

I think I am confidently going where no me has gone before. This afternoon I sit staring through my French doors at the little banana pepper growing in my patio garden. It is pointing at me as if to say: "You are supposed to be writing, not trying to find distractions."
It wasn't pointing at me this morning. It directed its little pointer finger at the sun and must have followed it through the day until it saw me struggling with my confident journey. This day has been filled with maybe no distractions. Only peace and quiet (even the dog next door is not barking). It was so quiet I could hear my doubtful thoughts bombarding me. Why am I ............ ... | ...
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